
SALAS PILCO Sdenka Zobeida

作者: 编辑:教育信息技术学院 发表时间:2020-07-28

SALAS PILCO Sdenka Zobeida




Full Name: Sdenka Zobeida SALAS PILCO

Work unit: Faculty of Artificial Intelligence Education

Professional Title: Associate Professor

Office: South Lake Campus No. 7051

Email: sdenkasp@ccnu.edu.cn


Personal Profile

Sdenka Zobeida SALAS PILCO earned her Ph.D. from the University of Hong Kong, in the area of Information and Technology Studies, and her Master in Educational Informatics (magna cum laude) from Alas Peruanas University, Peru. She was also a graduate student researcher in the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University, Japan. She received scholarships for specialized professional development on technologies applied into education in South Korea, India, and Japan. She has also worked in the Ministry of Education in Peru as an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Specialist having the responsibility of planning, developing and implementing regional policies on technology. She is focused particularly on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact in society and its implications for various stakeholders, such as: government, enterprises, educational institutions, communities, citizens, parents and students. Her research is characterized for carrying out a system analysis at micro-, meso-, and macro-level.

Areas of Expertise

Research on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information Technology (IT), Science and Technology Policy and regulations, Learning Science, Learning Analytics, and International Comparative Policy Analysis. One of her impactful publications is “The impact of AI and robotics on physical, social-emotional and intellectual learning outcomes: An integrated analytical framework.” British Journal of Educational Technology. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12984 


Scientific Research Projects

Central China Normal University. “Research on Artificial Intelligence Applied into Education”. Principal Investigator: Salas-Pilco, Sdenka Zobeida. (Grant No. 1100/30106200286).’



Academic Services

· Guest Editor at the British Journal of Educational Technology. 2022.

· International Chair at IEEE TALE 2021. International Conference of Teaching Assessment, and Learning for Engineering. 2021.

· Reviewer invited by several journals such as the British Journal of Educational Technology, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, among others.





1. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2009). The XO laptop in the classroom. Puno, Peru: Sagitario Impresores. (English version translated by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign).

2. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2009). La laptop XO en el aula. Puno, Peru: Sagitario Impresores. (Spanish version)

3. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2010). L'ordinateur XO dans la classe. (French version translated by OLPC France).

1. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2011).الكمبيوتر المحمول إكس أو في الفص (Arabic version translated by Dr. Rashid Ibrahim).


Book Chapters

4. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2021). Comparison of national artificial intelligence (AI) strategic policies and priorities. In R. Kiggins & T. Keskin (Eds). Artificial intelligence in society and politics. IPE Series. London: Springer-Palgrave.

5. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Aesthetics and power: Reforming access to and the inclusion of cultural content in ICT-supported education: A Peruvian case. In I. A. Lubin (Ed). ICT and International Learning Ecologies (pp. 109-131). Routledge.

6. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. & Law, N. (2018). ICT Curriculum Planning and Development: Policy and implementation lessons from Small Developing States. In I. A. Lubin (Ed). ICT-supported innovations in Small Countries and developing regions. Educational communications and technology: Issues and innovations. (Ch.4). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Chapter in AECT Culture, Learning &Technology Division -Outstanding Publication Award Winner


Editorial (Guest Editor)

1. Salas-Pilco, S. Z., Yang, Y. & van Aalst, J. (2022). Editorial: Emerging technologies for diverse and inclusive education from a sociocultural perspective. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(6), 1483-1485. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13279 [SSCI Q1, Impact factor 5.361]


Journal Articles (All of them as first author and corresponding author*)


1. Yang, Y., Zheng, Z., Zhu, G., & Salas-Pilco, S. Z.* (2023). Analytics-supported reflective assessment for 6th graders' knowledge building and data science practices: An exploratory study. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13308 [SSCI Q1, Impact factor 5.361]

2. SalasPilco, S. Z., Xiao, K., Oshima, J. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies in Inclusive Education of Minority Students: A systematic review. Sustainability, 14, 13572. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142013572 [SSCI Q2, Impact factor 3.889]

3. SalasPilco, S. Z., Xiao, K., Hu, X. (2022). Artificial Intelligence and Learning Analytics in teacher education: A systematic review. Education Sciences, 12, 569. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12080569  [ESCI]

4. Salas-Pilco, S. Z., Yang, Y. & van Aalst, J. (2022). Editorial: Emerging technologies for diverse and inclusive education from a sociocultural perspective. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(6),1483-1485 https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13279 [SSCI Q1, Impact factor 5.361]

5. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. & Yang, Y. (2022). Artificial Intelligence Applications in Latin American Higher Education: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 19, 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-022-00326-w [SSCI Q1, Impact factor 8.591]

6. Salas-Pilco, S. Z., Yang, Y. & Zhang, Z. (2022). Student engagement in online learning in Latin American higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review. British Journal of Educational Technology.  https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13190  [SSCI Q1, Impact factor 5.361]

7. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2020). The impact of AI and robotics on physical, social-emotional and intellectual learning outcomes: An integrated analytical framework. British Journal of Educational Technology. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12984  [SSCI Q1, Impact factor 5.361]

8. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. & Yang, Y. (2020). Learning analytics initiatives in Latin America: Implications for educational researchers, practitioners and decision makers. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(4), 875–891. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12952 [SSCI Q1, Impact factor 5.361]

9. 杨玉芹, 袁凯程, Salas-Pilco, S. Z*, 张若男, &  庞世燕(20232月). 数据支持的反思性评价促进大学生认知情绪调节的应用研究. 电化教育研究. [CSSCI]

10. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2014). ICT in Peruvian education: An overview of its development. In N. Cheung, L. Fang & L. Jiang (Eds.), Research Studies in Education (Vol. 12, pp. 92-101). Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong.

11. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2013). Evolution of the framework for 21st century competenciesKnowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, 5(1), 248-262.

12. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. (2012). Informal learning: A conceptual clarification towards a learning continuum. In Y. Cai, Y. Xiao & M. Yu (Eds.), Research Studies in Education (Vol. 10, pp. 226-238). Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong.


Conferences Papers

1. 2022 Salas-Pilco, S. Z. The Impact of COVID-19 on Latin American STEM Higher Education: A Systematic Review. VI IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE2022). March 13-16, 2022. IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUNINE53672.2022.9782354 [EI]

2. 2021 Salas-Pilco, S. Z.  Asia-Pacific STEAM education in K-12 schools: Systematic literature review. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), (pp. 623-629). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/TALE52509.2021.9678800 [EI]

3. 2019 Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Comparison of national Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategic policies and priorities. Conference: Artificial Intelligence and International Relations. Shanghai University, Shanghai, CHINA.

4. 2019 Salas-Pilco, S. Z., Law, N. W. Y., Bridges, S. M., Chan, L.K. & Li, L. Design patterns of asynchronous online problem-based learning for professional development. The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, GERMANY.

5. 2017 Law, N.W.Y., Li, L., Farias Herrera, L.Y., Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Bridging Learning Analytics to Learning Design through a Pattern Language Based Learning Design Studio.DesignLAK17 Workshop in the 7th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, CANADA

6. 2015 Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Multi stakeholders’ co participation for improving children’s learning in Peru. International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) 59thWorld Assembly. Naruto University, Tokushima, JAPAN.

7. 2015 Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Creativity in the context of the Knowledge Society in the 21st Century, The First Global Creative Industries Conference: From Culture to Business and Viceversa, The University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG

8. 2013 Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Andean children voices: A cultural perspective of learning science and the use of new technologies, XV World Council of Comparative Education Societies, University of Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

9. 2013 Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Promoting Andean children's learning of science through cultural and digital tools. 10th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.

10. 2012 Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Creative informal learning environments with new technologies for indigenous communities. CITE Research Symposium (CITERS), The University of Hong Kong, HONG KONG.

11. 2011 Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Learning sessions using the XO laptop. International Seminar: ICT applied into Education, Ministry of Education, Lima, PERU.

12. 2009 Salas-Pilco, S. Z. Creative and interdisciplinary environments using active essays with Squeak-Etoys included in the XO laptop. Squeakfest Brazil 2009. The Digital Thought Foundation, Porto Alegre, BRAZIL.



· Chapter in AECT. Culture, Learning & Technology Division - Outstanding Publication Award Winner: Book        2018. Salas-Pilco, S. Z. & Law, N. (2018). ICT Curriculum Planning and Development: Policy and implementation lessons from Small Developing States. In I. A. Lubin (Ed). ICT-supported innovations in small countries and developing regions. Educational communications and technology: Issues and innovations. (Ch.4). Cham, Switzerland: Springer

· Award by the Graduate School at the University of Hong Kong - Research Integrity Essay Competition and Participating in the 3rd World Conference on Research Integrity 2013. Montreal, CANADA.

· Winner from Puno Region in the National Contest: "Teacher who leaves a positive mark on his/her students and community”, 2010. Interbank, PERU.  

· Honourable Mention in the XIX National Contest of Education.  Area: Educational Software, 2010. Magisterial Branch, PERU. .


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