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Zhizhong Zeng


博士 讲师




2002.06武汉理工大学 计算机学院 工学学士

2005.06华中科技大学 计算机学院 工学硕士

2013.06华中科技大学 计算机学院 工学博士



2005.06—2007.06华中农业大学 理学院 助教

2013.08—至今 bwi437官网 国家数字化学习工程中心



教育智能化 教育机器人



智能化教育系统中的小学应用题自动求解器研究 湖北省自然科学基金项目 主持




Zeng, Z.(曾致中), Yu, X., He, K., Huang, W., & Fu, Z. (2016).Iterated Tabu Search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for packing unequal circlesinto a circular container. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), 250(2),615-627.(SCI,影响因子3.582,JCR Q1, 中科院2区,管理学top)

Zhi-zhong Zeng(曾致中), Xin-guo Yu*, Kun He*, Zhang-hua Fu. Adaptive Tabu search and Variable Neighborhood Descent for Packing Unequal Circles into a Square, Applied Soft Computing (ASOC), Accepted, doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2017.11.051. (SCI,影响因子3.811,JCR Q1, 中科院2区

Zhi-zhong Zeng(曾致中), Xin-guo Yu*, Mao Chen , Yuan-yuan Liu. A memetic algorithm to pack unequal circles into a square, Computers & Operations Research (COR), Accepted, doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2017.09.013. (SCI,影响因子2.829,JCR Q1, 中科院2区

Yu,X., Ding, W.,Zeng, Z.(曾致中,通讯作者), & Leong, H. W. (2015). Reading Digital Video Clocks.InternationalJournal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 1555006.(SCI

Wenqi Huang,Zhizhong Zeng*(曾致中,通讯作者), Ruchu Xu, Zhanghua Fu, Packing unequal disks in a circularcontainer using a population based algorithm, In: Proceedings of the SixthInternational Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing(EI), 437-440, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2012.08.25-28.

ZhizhongZeng(曾致中), WenqiHuang*, Ruchu Xu, Zhanghua Fu, An algorithm to packing unequal spheres in alarger sphere, Advanced Materials Research(EI),v546-547, 1464-1469, 2012

Wenqi Huang,Zhizhong Zeng*(曾致中,通讯作者), Ruchu Xu, Zhanghua Fu, A new algorithm for packing unequal disksin a larger circle.In:Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Computer Scienceand Information Processing(EI), Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 32-35,,2012. 8.24-27

Wenqi Huang,Zhizhong Zeng*(曾致中,通讯作者), Ruchu Xu,Zhanghua Fu, Using iterated local search for efficiently packing unequal disksin a larger circle, Advanced Materials Research(EI), v 430–432, 1477–1481, 2012




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